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Welcome to the website Old Schools Entertainment Arts Society Management team for the "Last Protege of Marvin Gaye" Sesil & Lujon. This website contains their award winning CD entitled "KANT U C" (the things going on in the world today). There are highlights from the book to be released in April 2022 entitled "Loyal Love" by "The Last Protege of Marvin Gaye." There are highlights from the book entitled "The Windy City Guitar Player" by Delecta "AL" Johnson, aka Lujon. The group has released their single entitled "Fulfill My Needs." Their video is currently in production. Their next live performance will be held in LA in mid-2021.
Official Website
Every Child Has A Dream Tour (2012-2014)”
2013-2014 will be exciting years for Old School Entertainment Awards Show (OSEAs) and Lujon Records because they are working diligent to accomplish their goal of spreading their message to the young and to the old. With their latest CD release entitled “Kant U C” (the things going on in this world today)” they are planning to touch the hearts of over 100,000 people in the seven cities of the Greater Hampton Roads area along with touring various states in the United States.
The seven city Tour consist of Norfolk, Portsmouth, Virginia Beach, Suffolk, Hampton, Newport News, Chesapeake with an estimated budget of $80,000.
The proposed United States Tour consist of Florida, California, New Jersey, Maryland, Washington, DC, New York, Chicago, Las Vegas and Georgia. The estimated budget for the Unites States is $100,000.
The International Tour consist of Paris France, London England and South Africa. The international tour has an estimated budget of $120,000.
One of the significant factors in this show is the Marvin Gaye, medley songs that are rarely performed today. Sesil J’ is the Protégé of Marvin Gaye and a member of his surrogate family. The opening premiere performance was hosted on Thursday, November 29, 2012 at the Meyera Oberndorf Auditorium with Sesil & Lujon under the musical direction of Tyrone Little and the new band and a Live Recording hosted on May 18, 2013 at the VA Live Entertainment Complex. Chesapeake, VA with musical director Dominic Wright and band.
The musical project of Sesil & Lujon is recorded in old school tune, meaning that the producers used their skills to display the music and lyrics in the way that was arranged and presented back in the mid 70’s - 80’s until today. The CD consists of twelve musical songs with four interludes. The promotional CD consists of four songs from the album, “Thankful” “Why” “Stuck and “Every Child Has a Dream.” The organization is in the process of securing venues within the 7 cities and need your cooperation and support as a sponsor. There will be various ways that your organization can assist along with in kind contributions.
Reasons to Help support and Sponsor the
"Every Child Has A Dream Tour"
1. We have established credibility
Times have rapidly changed within a decade of time and the youth are challenged with so many conflicting choices. The "Every Child Has A Dream Tour" is a reflection of those challenges. With the rate of unemployment gradually changing and many youth do not km of higher to what extent that their families will be able to afford their dream.
2. It offers family time
This tour introduces how a dream can be shifted from a vision to a dream that still can ultimately become a reality. Many of the performers and artists have gone through a tremendous life changing experience and still are able to exceed against all odds. Sesil & Lujon made fame in the State of Virginia when they took young children to the General Assembly to advocate for a drug free Virginia. This is a show that families can come together and with the uniqueness of the show, it can be performed in any setting because it is a clean show that is designed for the young and the old. Youth in the audience are generally selected to perform on stage during the tour.
3. Your impressions
The untimely death of Grammy Award Winner, Marvin P. Gaye, Jr. was a great lost to the world. Within the United States many people still mourn the loss of the legend. In performing his music in concert allows the audience to remember the experience of the great musical selections of the artist. The music is classic and still has the same favor/flavor as it did back when the music was originally performed. Songs such as: "Pride and Joy," "I Want U," "Got to Give It Up," "What’s Going On," and Hitch Hike" are some of the songs that are performed during the concert as a tribute to Marvin.
4. Those who will be in attendance
• 75% family
• 25% students in college over 25 years age
• 80% Baby boomers
• 74% Female – children
• 80% have attended previous shows
• 44% Male with youth 85%
5. Benefits for becoming a Sponsor
As a sponsor, you will receive a framed autographed "Certificate of Sponsorship" with the companies logo. There will be a space available for your company to display and/or distribute literature. This space will allow you to be able to collect data base information for potential clients and VIP status. These will be located in the venue on or around the stage. Attendance to the sponsorship reception and front row seats to (A-1) corporate sponsors to performance(s). Acknowledgement from the stage platform on all pubic relations and on radio, television and print media to include T-shirts, etc. Our public relations and promotions department will meet with your management to invent a tailored made promotion to drive an influx of new clients/customers.
6. The “Every Child Has A Dream” will become a premiere family extravaganza that would bring delight to all who enjoy the freshness of music and entertainment.
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